Where do responsive website designs go wrong in 2019?

In 2019, there are billions of websites online.

So, if you’re relying on yours to generate leads and profit for your business, you need to stand out.

And yet, so many websites still do everything wrong, and get largely ignored as a result.

Where do they go wrong? Let’s take a look at the major errors websites commit that ruin their chances of making money.

Websites that don’t load fast enough

Loading time is one of those things that most people don’t even realize is important, but it’s vital in 2019.

Put simply, if your website doesn’t load up near-instantly, there’s a high chance that your potential visitors will disappear and head to a competitor site.

People have zero patience in 2019. You can debate whether or not it’s a good thing or not, but in the modern online world, we’re used to getting exactly what we want immediately!

Website speed is actually quite an easy fix compared to other factors on this list – a lot of it comes down to the quality of your hosting. (Which is why paying for cheap hosting is often a false economy!)

Make sure your website is speedy, and it’s less likely users will simply hit your site and immediately bounce.

(It’s also worth remembering that Google continues to use site speed as a ranking factor. If your site is fast, you’ll be rewarded over similar websites that are slow to get going.)

Using poor fonts

Alright, we get it. The idea that fonts are important might seem a little, well…nerdy. But they really matter!

Why? Because the fonts you use actually make a big difference to the quality of your user experience – and that’s the most important thing you have to bear in mind at all times.

This isn’t about avoiding big fancy, unreadable fonts, by the way. The number of websites using Comic Sans and other cartoony fonts is mercifully tiny in 2019.

However, the difference between two similar looking fonts can be huge if you’re asking readers to take the time to look at your blog, or to read a white paper.

Over time, some fonts can actually wear out your users’ concentration!

Two very quick, easy changes you can make to help improve your font readability are:

  • To make sure you have enough spacing between lines. If your text is grouped together like it’s a 1940s newspaper article, you need more space between your lines. This is known as ‘leading’.
  • To ensure that you have enough space in between your words. This is known as ‘tracking’, and it’s again vital. The harder your reader must work to see where one word ends and the other begins, the faster they’ll click off the page.

The most important thing to remember overall is that writing for the web is not like writing for print. What will work in a paperback or a print magazine will not get read online. Like it or not, people’s standards for the web are a lot higher. (Or lower, depending on how you look at things!)

(Oh, and never, ever use more than three fonts on a website. Ideally, only use two. It doesn’t make your design look better, and it makes the eyes work far, far too hard.)

Copy and content isn’t written with users in mind

One of the oldest truths in design – and in business in general – is that people don’t care about your business…they care about what your business can do for them.

With that in mind, it’s amazing how many company websites talk entirely about the company itself, and not what it actually does for customers and clients!

For example, let’s say you run a family law practice, and your copy says:

“Rules & Laws Practice was established in 1941, by Tom Laws and Jason Rules. The aim was to create a law practice with a difference, to serve…”


Boring, right? Even if you need a lawyer, you’re already heading off somewhere else.

Now imagine your webpage says:

“If you want a law practice that helps you safeguard your family’s financial and legal future, call XXX-XXXX for a free consultation session, with no obligation.”

Much more appealing. And far more likely to get your potential customers to pick up the phone and call.

Of course, your copy and content doesn’t have to be this direct in asking for a sale. Perhaps you’re writing a blog or article page about something like intermittent fasting. Which of these two blogs appeals most to you:

  • “Intermittent fasting”
  • “Five ways you can try intermittent fasting (without spending too much money)”

The second appeals more, because it promises specific tips that can benefit the reader directly.

Whenever you’re creating any kind of copy or online content, always ask one thing:

“Will this add value to any users that land on this page?”.

And make sure the answer is yes!

Not answering the questions that matter to readers

If you run any kind of e-commerce website, or a business website that you expect to directly generate new leads, then it’s vital that you overcome objections.

Overcoming objections is one of the key skills of copywriting. If you can’t overcome your user’s skepticism, you will struggle to make sales.

What are your user’s key objections likely to be? These are fairly common objections that apply to almost every industry:

  • What are your company’s details? Not an email – any fly by night business can do this – but do you have a proper address and landline telephone number? You might be surprised to learn that many modern start-ups have neither, so having these specifics is a good way to earn trust immediately.
  • What is your refunds policy, and how do I claim my money back? (Almost essential on e-commerce websites).
  • Why should I give you my contact information? This is a matter of selling the benefits. People value their personal data, so whether it’s giving a discount voucher or offering a free, no-obligation consultation, you need to have a very good reason why users should get in touch.
  • Why are you the best choice for me? This should be where you let the customer know your USP. Maybe your service is cheaper. Maybe it’s simply ‘the elite’ in your industry. Maybe you offer a greater selection. Whatever sets your website apart, be sure to let your readers know.
  • How much are your products and services? Unless you’re in high level B2B consulting, it’s usually wise to put your prices on your website. Some businesses make the mistake of avoiding doing so, because they’re afraid to put potential leads off. However, if users are going to be put off, it might as well be at the beginning, so you don’t have to waste time and energy nurturing leads that will never become customers!

The more objections you can overcome at the start of your customer’s buying journey, the less chance you have of them heading elsewhere.
As with all forms of marketing, first impressions count a great deal!

Get in touch today

If you’d like to learn more about creating a high-quality website that actually makes your company more money, get in touch with Iconic Solutions today. We specialize in the highest quality responsive web design, and we’d love to help you with your next project.

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